Monday, July 15, 2013

My newest little project.
I am determined to make it to next years Scentsy Family Reunion in St. Louis, MO. So for me to save money up I came up with a little plan.
Let me explain something first.
I had to make something that no one in my family would really know what it is. If my kids find out Im hiding money, they will sneak into it and take it. And if my hubby finds out, he just may find something he "needs" with that extra cash we have.
I wanted to make my box a Scentsy theme but I figured it would give away what it really is. So I decided to paint this and decorate it to blend in with my décor in my home. Basically Im hiding it in plain sight!
Here is what I started out with.
This box was at Michaels Crafts for $4.99

I removed the hardward so it didn't look like something you can open.
Than I grabbed my Gorilla Glue wood glue and glued the box shut so you can never open it!
(Until you need to break it to pieces to get the money out)

I cut a tiny slip to fit paper money into. I dont want to add coins because when you move the box you will hear the change and thats a dead giveaway there is money inside.

Its not a pretty cut, but no one is going to see it.

I painted it brown, than added crackle paint and the top layer was a peach color. (cant tell in the picture)

This is to show you how small the slit is. You really need to fold up the money to make it fit.

 The plain box wasn't cutting it so I went back out and bought a plain bumblebee wood cutout. I painted it the same way as the box... added the crackle paint so I can make the bee look "old"
Now it blends in with my other "junk" on my bookshelf! And its in plain sight so it wont set off any alarms that Im trying to hide anything and its there to remind me to put money away for my trip!!!

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